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Certifications & Memberships

We aren't merely an overseas moving company, but international shipping experts. Yamatane is a registered member in a number of international associations and has received numerous certifications.

FIATA (Fêdêration Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilês)
           (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations)

With its concentration based on Europe, this organization is made up of over 100 countries. Established in 1926, their headquarters lie in Switzerland's Bern while their main office is located in Zurich. FIATA's main objectives are to unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide, to represent, promote and protect the interests of the industry, as well as promoting uniform forwarding documents and finally to assist with tools for electronic commerce including electronic data interchange (EDI). There are about 50 Japanese member companies with Yamatane joining in 1983. Since then we have been actively cooperating and sharing information with and through FIATA.

JAFA (Japan Air Cargo Forwarders Association)

JAFA is a non-profit corporation which represents the interests of air freight forwarding industry in Japan. It was founded and legally authorized by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Finance as a corporate judicial person in 1991.

JAFA seeks for the sound development of air freight forwarding business and air cargo sales agents by protecting their interests, conducting research and study, as well as by providing consultation concerning their activities, so that shippers and consumers can enjoy the benefits of a smooth provision of air transport services.

JIFFA (Japan International Freight Forwarders Association Inc.)

In October 1981, Japanese international freight forwarders (IFF), which were engaged in international transport to meet the demand of the times, established a voluntary organization to address common issues facing them. Its aim is to promote unified transport agreements and loading rules. JIFFA has also created the standardized B/L as a means to tackle internationally common challenges. Other activities in which JIFFA is involved include: making contact, holding discussions and making arrangements with international entities, associations of shippers and other organizations in respect to international cargo forwarding and other services. Yamatane is one of 380 members and has joined in 1982.

JIMA (Japan International Movers Association)

JIMA was founded on January 2005. This is the first and only association in Japan established for the International Moving Industry and Yamatane is one of the members and pioneers of this organization.
JIMA is an organization that helps to promote and contribute development for its members for overseas moving, exchanging customs information and operation etc.

IATA (International Air Transport Association)

IATA is an international trade body, created over 60 years ago by a group of airlines. Today, IATA represents some 230 airlines comprising 93% of scheduled international air traffic. The organization also represents, leads and serves the airline industry in general.

FMC (Federal Maritime Commission)

The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) was established as an independent regulatory agency under the direct control of the US president. Since the passage of 1998 Ocean Shipping Reform Act the FMC regulates ocean common carriers, marine terminal operators, conferences, ports, and ocean transportation intermediaries (OTIs) who operate in the U.S. foreign commerce. Furthermore, they monitor the laws and practices of foreign governments which could have a discriminatory or otherwise adverse impact on shipping conditions in the U.S. and are able to take appropriate measures against them.
We are registered as a freight forwarder with the FMC and can issue B/L for carriers to the US. File Number: FMC ORG. # 011266


JIPDEC (Japan Information Processing Development Corporation)

JIPDEC is a system set up to assess private enterprises that take appropriate measures to protect personal information. Such private enterprises are granted the right display "PRIVACY MARK" in the course of their business activities. The System is in compliance with Japan Industrial Standards.
(JIS Q 15001:2006) (Personal Information Protection Management System- Requirements)

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